The serial readers challenge was hosted by Beth at Just Your Average Carpool Queen.
http://justyouraveragecarpoolqueen.blogspot.com/2008/11/serial-readers-challenge-2009-as-many.htmlI did enjoy this challenge and would participate again. All of the series were good but my favorite would be the Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig. I read 10 series total or part of series. The total number of books read is
60. :)
Brittanie's List:
1. I am going to read the Rock Harbor Mystery series by Colleen Coble (DONE)
- Without a Trace
- Beyond a Doubt
- Into the Deep
- Cry in the Night
2. I read the After the Storm Continuity series published by Steeple Hill Love Inspired. (DONE)
- Healing the Boss's Heart by Valerie Hanson
- Marrying Minister Right by Annie Jones
- Rekindled Hearts by Brenda Minton
- The Matchmaking Pact by Carolyne Aarsen
- A Family for Thanksgiving by Patricia Davids
- Jingle Bell Babies by Kathryn Springer
3. I am going to read Without a Trace Continuity series from Love Inspired Suspense (DONE)
- What Sarah Saw by Margaret Daley
- Framed by Robin Carroll
- Cold Case Murder by Shirlee McCoy
- A Cloud of Suspicion by Patricia Davids
- Deadly Competition by Roxanne Rustand
- Her Last Chance by Terri Reed
4. I am going to read the Weddings by Woodwards Continuity series from Love Inspired
- Rocky Mountain Legacy by Lois Richer (DONE)
- Twice Upon a Time by Lois Richer (DONE)
- A Ring and a Promise by Lois Richer (DONE)
5. I am going to reread at least some of the Babysitters Club Series by Ann M. Martin
- Kristy's Great Idea
- Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls
- The Truth about Stacey
- Mary Anne Saves the Day
- Dawn and the Impossible Three
- Claudia and Mean Jeanne
- Kristy's Big Day
- Boy Crazy Stacey
- Dawn in Eclipse Bay
- Babysitters on Board!
- The Ghost at Dawn's House
- Logan Likes Mary Anne
- Kristy and the Snobs
- Claudia and the New Girl
- Good bye Stacey Good bye
- Hello Mallory
- Little Miss Stoneybrooke
- Jessi's Secret Language
- Mary Anne's Bad Luck Mystery
- Stacey's Mistake
- Claudia and the Bad Joke
- Kristy and the Walking Diaster
- Mallory and the Trouble with Twins
6. I read the Cody Gunner series by Karen Kingsbury (Done)
- A Thousand Tomorrows
- Just Beyond the Clouds
- This Side of Heaven
7. I am reading the Boo series by Rene Gutteridge (Done)
- Boo
- Boo Who
- Boo Hiss
- Boo Humbug
8.The Pink Carnation series by Laura Willig (Done)
- The Secret History of the Pink Carnation
- The Masque of the Black Tulip
- The Deception of the Emerald Ring
- The Seduction of the Crimson Rose
- The Temptation of the Night Jasmine
9.The Silent series by Deanna Raybourn (Done)
- Silent in the Grave
- Silent in the Sanctuary
- Silent on the Moor
10. The Miracle Girls series by Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt (DONE)
- The Miracle Girls (reread)
- Breaking Up is Hard to Do
- A Little Help From My Friends