Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's On Your Nightstand? August 24, 2010

This is a monthly meme hosted by 5 Minutes for Books. It is on the fourth Tuesday of every month. The first book picture is my stack of Steeple Hill books. It grows bigger than I read from it. Help! The last picture is of my current review books and The Brothers K which I am attempting to do a read a long for. It is not going so well. lol I really want to do the Bleak House by Charles Dickens read a long but it overlaps with The Brothers K and I am already behind so we'll see. :)


Cassandra said...

Wow! That is a massive pile. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah those are some chunksters. The Steeple Hill books are probably a good balance!

I'm trying to finish my classic before next week's Classic Bookclub linkup as well.


morninglight mama said...

Those are a whole lot of pages!! My online book club read The Brothers K last year, but it was a month that I just couldn't participate and I was really disappointed because it was such a lively discussion.

Enjoy your reading!
-Dawn, 5minutesforbooks.com

bekahcubed said...

I hear you about the pile growing faster than you can read. I feel that way about my TBR (although thankfully, that list is just on my computer and in my planner--not taking up physical space in my home!)

Classics Club Spin 18

My Classics Club Spin List for August This is a hodgepodge of books left on my list I made in 2017 for the Classics Club. Tomorrow the clu...