Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Salon January 11, 2009

The Sunday

* I finished Kiss by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy today. It was great. I think it will appeal to mainstream as well as Christian fiction because it is well written and the faith element is not overbearing. My full review will be up tomorrow.

* I am reading lots of books for my reading challenges. I have lost count of how many. This weekend I joined two more. The 2nds challenge and the Science Challenge. I think I have gone reading challenge crazy.

* I am way behind on reviews to post. There are two I really have to get posted I finished in 2008. I am going to try and review all the books for challenges I am doing and of course my review books in 2009.

* So Many Books So Little Time :)


Yvonne said...

I joined way too many reading challenges, but I'm hoping they will help me cut into my TBR.

Have a great week!

Bookfool said...

It's rather nice not having many challenges to worry about, but you'll catch up on all your review and keep up with the challenges. Hope you have a terrific week!

Anonymous said...

I pick up maybe 5 to 6 books a year to read, but I got a copy of Kiss by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy. It is I have to say a great read. Dekker’s work is always good but with first time author Healy, this book is outstanding. I had to make myself put it down because I was not doing any work at my office (I was getting stares from my coworkers). The website for the book is and you can download the first two chapters there.

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