The picture starting with Circle of Friends is my TBR Review stack so far for March. The Middle Picture is TBR of childhood reading challenge and Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense. The last picture is my library books I need to hurry up and finish. I already have more library fines. :) I have read a lot of books this month. To see a list click on the 100+ Reading challenge my list on my sidebar.
To see more lists go to http://www.5minutesforbooks.com/
Those are some might big stacks!! Have fun reading :-)
I love it that you're just as bad as I am about still checking out library books when so many are showing up in the mail. :) Can't wait to hear about the new Lisa Samson book.
The books you sent arrived, today! Thank you!! What a wonderful, unexpected parcel! I'm really enjoying Colossus, so I was especially excited to see City of the Dead.
I thought I was the only one with stacks and stacks of books. Puts a new meaning to the word "stacked" doesn't it? :-)
I recognized People of the Book in there. I really liked that one.
From one bookie to another,
Happy Reading!!
I have the latest book of the Pink Carnation series on my stack. Hope you enjoy Pink Carnation.
You do have quite the stack of books! Happy reading!
Wow! That's some serious reading! Looks like fun!
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