Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway $15 dollar Gift Card

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Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button


So for the Bloggy Giveaway I am offering a $15 dollar Gift Card to winners choice of Amazon, B+N, Booksamillion, or Christian Book Distributors (USA). To enter leave a comment on this post(only once) saying who your favorite author is and book. I will use the random number generator to pick a winner Saturday April 26 at midnight. Bloggers and nonbloggers alike can enter just leave me a valid email address to get ahold of you if you win. :)

Have fun!

P.S. To find over 600 more contests to enter go here:


1 – 200 of 271   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

I'm not too sure about favorite but I love anything by Tess Gerritson. The Mephisto Club is fantastic. Keep you up at night type of book

Josie said...

Favorite author is Jodi Piccolt and my fav book of hers is Nineteen Minutes.

Anonymous said...

Emily Dickenson is my favorite by far! I have her collective works in one book, and love, love, love it!
zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com

pinkgingham said...

My favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jean said...

I have to say L.M. Montgomery is my all time favorie. Love the Anne of Green Gables series.

Springjoy said...

Hard to pick just one, but one of the most beautiful books I have ever read is The Desire of Ages by White.

alaskawildrose AT

Anonymous said...

I like Dee Henderson. she's pretty good.

Jes (AT) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Favorite book is Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - Thanks for the opportunity to win!

kholmq AT yahoo DOT com

Andrea said...

I love karen Kingsbury...and my favorite book? Well, right now I am in her sunrise series...and am waiting to get the 3rd book to read!!

Anonymous said...

Hard for me to have a favorite too, but I love VC Andrews, Dorothy Garlock, Luanne Rice, Jodi Piccoult, and many more.


Anonymous said...

My favorite author is Mitch Albom and the book is called For One More Day.


Megan said...

I love me some Stephen King, and am currently reading Duma Key and love it!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

A tree grows in london by betty smith

Unknown said...

I love Dr. Laura Schlessinger's books. The Proper Care and Feeding of a Husband is my favorite. I've read it a couple of times. I just bought The Proper Care and Feeding of a Marriage but have only gotten to read a few pages so far.

Deanne said...

Fav author, at the moment, is Ted Dekker. And my fav book of his is Obessed. It's awesome!!!

Great giveaway and I'd love to win! :)

ali said...

hitchikers guide to the galaxy by douglas adams

Anonymous said...

Favorite book: "Lord of the Rings" by JRR Tolkien
Favorite author (right now): "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen (such a classic!)

Erin said...

I love The Princess by Lori Wick, such a cute story. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sweetpeas said...

I'm a sucker for old children's literature. I love Louisa May Alcott, especially Eight Cousins!

Anonymous said...

A.W.Tozer. The Knowledge of the Holy.

Christie said...

Voddie Baucham's Family Driven Faith is the favorite right now!

Diana H said...

There are quite a few I like. My summer reading favorite is Dorothea Benton Frank who stages her characters in the low country of South Carolina. They are fun to read.

Musing Truth said...

my favorite author of all time is Mary Stewart. love love love her. Gabriel Hounds is probably one of my favorites. But my favorite book of all time is Gone with the Wind. Hefty and long, but a great masterpiece. (and unfortunately, i really identify with Scarlett.) thanks!

Anonymous said...

Besides the Bible - my favorite book is Classic Christianity. My favorite author? Hmmm, I have so many - probably an historic author like Johanna Spyri or Louisa May Alcott.
Thanks for the giveaway! Sign me up!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Stephen King. His best was The Shining.

I can be contacted through the URL I linked to my name. THANKS!

Julie said...

I like Francine Rivers' "Redeeming Love". I haven't read anything else by her, though. I also like the Mitford series by Jan Karon.
3cookieday at gmail dot com

Rashmi said...

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - my out and out fave. Somehow Austen gets better all the time or so I feel :)

Count me in for this great giveaway.

callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

ps - I have FIVE GIVEAWAYS combined on both my blogs. Hope you'll all stop by!

groovyinclinations said...

Oh, my what a diverse bunch of readers we are! I love artsy books and I really love mysteries/crime/cop stories from a man's POV. So, I love John Sanford. But my most fave book is was written by Linda Greenlaw, The Hungry Ocean. Written about a woman that is a captain of her fishing boat and the stories that grew around her crew and travels. I identified with her so very much because I was a manager of a small mill. My crew at times, was much like hers. (also she was great friends with the captain of the story behind The Perfect Storm)

Thanks so much for the fab give away! Watch for mine!

Hannah said...

My favorite author is Gene Stratton-Porter and my favorite book is Her Fathers Daughter written by my favorite author. Thanks for the chance to win.

Julie Donahue said...

I have too many favorites to pick one: Janette Oke, Marlo Schlesky, Gilbert Morris, to name a few.

Unknown said...

Hard to come up with a favorite (so many! - hard to choose), but I do love Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion series. Great giveaway - thank you!

Emily said...

Jane Austen and my favorite is Pride and Prejudice. Thanks for offering it!


a boy a girl and a pug said...

Oh there are so many, but I have to say Nicholas Sparks and "Three Weeks with my Brother". Great read!

Deb said...

I really can't name a single favorite book, but right now I'm really into the alphabet mystery series by Sue Grafton. :)

Shane H. said...

I don't really have a favorite author or book. I only read non-fiction and mostly just read books about ADHD.

Anonymous said...


Your blog is awesome!Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

That's an easy one! I love The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I think my favorite is Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

My favorite author right now is Stephenie Meyer, and book is Twilight. I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading this, and it's already a favorite: Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris!


bethany said...

There are so many-I really like Scott Westerfield-young adult fiction...
I just finished the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and that was really good as well!!

Anonymous said...

I really like "Playing by Heart" by Deborah Raney. I've reviewed it on the site, and I give copies as gifts. Thanks!


Eiffel Girl Designs said...

My favorite book is Twilight by Stephanie Meyers.
Great giveaway! Thanks!

Marilu Mann said...

Well I'd say mine but that's obnoxious. LOL I do love Rachel Vincent's "Stray". It's a great read!

Lee said...

I love LM Montgomery!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Stephen R. Lawhead. His Song of Albion trilogy is wonderful. The three books in it are: The Paradise War, The Silver Hand, and The Endless Knot.

Lymeade Lady said...

My favorite fiction author is Francine Rivers. My favorite book is Nuture by Nature by the Tiegers.

Tarasview said...

Do I have to pick just one author? How about... favourite book and author I read THIS WEEK? Stuck in the Middle by Virginia Smith.

I would love to win an amazon gift card! Please enter me.

LadyVampire2u said...

My favorite book and author are "Outlaw Demon Wails" by Kim Harrison. Thanks for entering me in your contest and good luck to one and all

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I really like Jim Stovall. My favorite book is Ultimate Gift. I also like The Bible. :)

Karlene said...

I'm a big reader. My favorite changes regularly. Right now I'm loving Jessica Day George. I just finished her Sun & Moon, Ice & Snow book. You can contact me through the e-mail button on my blog. Thanks for offering the giveaway. --Karlene

Brooke Lorren said...

Looking through the previous comments I was reminded of L.M. Montgomery. I loved Rilla of Ingleside!

Anonymous said...

David Sedaris is my favorite author and Harry Potter books are my favorite! I even got to take a college course on them! Fun stuff!

ChristyJan said...

Stephenie Meyers TWILIGHT series ~ TWILIGHT, NEW MOON and ECLIPSE ~ I loved this series and I'm eagerly awaiting BREAKING DAWN which will be released in August.

hawkes AT

Bunny B said...

Oooo! I love books too! My fave would be The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale :)

michelle said...

My favourite book of all time (thus far), is the Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock. I love so many other authors as well, though. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Seth and Mary said...

Currently really enjoying a Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

julie said...

Anne Rice...wickedly good

Anonymous said...

I love mysteries! Agatha Christie is a favorite of mine. I like her Hercule Poirot series.


Hey, don't forget my giveaways!

Anonymous said...

my favorite author is carl sagan. i love anything about science and astronomy, chemistry etc. my favorite would be cosmos by carl sagan
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

My favorite author would have to be, hands down, Douglas Coupland. But my favorite all time book is Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow.
Great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My favorite right now is Jodi Picoult. I loved Nineteen Minutes

Andrea @ Mommy said...

I don't really have a favorite author - I've been reading a lot of Karen Kingsbury and her writing style is very good! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

Unknown said...

It's hard to choose one favorite author, but, I will say Tracy Chevalier. I love all her books, especially 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Carol said...

Mine is Nicholas Sparks.

Thanks for the chance of winning.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Crusie is one of my fave authors. I love any of her books!

Anonymous said...

Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.


Stacy said...

Since I became a mom I have read a bunch by Jennifer Weiner. Loved Little earthquakes.

lissa said...

my favorite author is Amy Tan, Alice Hoffman but I do like reading new authors from time to time. can't really name a favorite book but if ask I would say, The River King by Alice Hoffman

CrystalGB said...

My favorite author is Jane Porter. Flirty With Forty is great.

Anonymous said...

Would have to say "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I can't name just one author, but my favorite book is The Yada Yada Prayer Group .

Tricia said...

Future Grace by John Piper


Jennifer said...

Oh by far I My fave book is the Places you'll go by Dr Suess! Ok, a bit cheesey but it has such sentimental value and I cannot wait until my DD graduates to give to her:)

Nicol said...

I love Jane Austen. I am currently re-reading Emma and loving it!

Liz Zelie said...

Hmm...I love A Tale of Two Cities and anything by Jane Austen. But my favorite contemporary author is probably Jodi Picoult.

flmom said...

Favorite author - Beth Moore
Favorite book - Beach Music by Pat Conroy

Stephanie said...

Favorite Author: Janet Evanovich
Favorite Book: One For The Money or Twilight By Stephenie Meyer. Please enter me into this great giveaway.

Kaitlin said...

My favourite author is Chuck Palahniuk, but right now my favourite book is Breakfast at Tiffanys. Thank you for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

It's really hard to pick a favorite, but I love Jack Cavanaugh's books, and of his, my favorite is probably "The Puritans".

Nonnie said...

JD Robb and my favorite is a toss up between Survivor in Death and Origin in Death

Sandra said...

I have really enjoyed "A Skeleton in God's Closet" by Paul Maier. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.


Ronnica said...

My favorite author is Jane Austen and my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. I also really like Dickens, Tolstoy, and Fielding, but I guess I was only supposed to put one!

I love books too. I am part of a group blog that reviews books, if you want to check it out!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

My favorite secular book/author is The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

Thanks for the chance to win!


She Became a Butterfly said...

oh amazon, how i love thee . .


Please enter my giveaway:
It's lonely!

Anonymous said...

Erg - a fave? I don't have a fave per se - I love too, too many authors. Right now, though I'm loving Christine Feehan's Game series, and I will always be a Stephen King fan (The Talisman is incredible!) and Dean Koontz (One door away from Heaven is beautiful) Madeline L'Engle's Time Quartet is a long-time fave. Really, I could go on & on. Okay - just one more, I really do recommend Tim Cockey's Hitchcock Sewell series, about an undertaker/sleuth based in Fell's Point Baltimore. Really, really funny. Oh, yeah - come check out my giveaway, too:

Becky said...

My favorite author is Orson Scott Card. My favorite book is Ender's Game. Though really I have thousands of favorites :)

ikkinlala said...

Favourite author? Favourite book? I don't really have them, or at least they change all the time because there are too many wonderful ones to choose from. If you're willing to accept as an entry my favourite author and book TODAY, I'll pick Elizabeth Enright and her book "The Four Story Mistake." I just finished my final exams for the semester last night and am in the mood to revisit some of my childhood favourites.

Anonymous said...

Some of my favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks, Mary Kay Andrews and Jan Karon.

Aubrey said...

It's very tough to pick. I guess I'd say C.S Lewis and especially his book "Till we Have Faces." A great read if you've never read it.

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

My Mom introduced me to these great books about by Wanda E Brunstetter... any of her books would be great to buy

Thanks for the opportunity,

Betsy said...

Laura Ingalls Wilder and The Little House series!

Sami said...

I really like Anne Rice, especially The Vampire Lestat

Emily said...

I love Anita Stansfield. I also like Richard Paul Evans.
emily_albrecht at hotmail dot com

Hootyboosmom said...

Ooo..not sure I can narrow it down to one. Right now, I'm loving Sophie Kinsella. But I always love to read stuff by Debbie Macomber and Nora Roberts! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering!

Rachel R. said...

Michael Phillips - The Secret of the Rose series.

InnaC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bren j. said...

Hmmm...a friend of mine just published her first children's book so she's my new favorite author and it's my new favorite book. :) It's called Mary's Atlas by Gwen Smid.

Anonymous said...

All time favorite hands-down is Dr. Suess. What an amazing author he was!

My favorite book is actually a series of books, The Yada Yada Prayer Group... by Neta Jackson. I really enjoyed reading all of them!

Lalycairn said...

Right now my favorite is Randy Alcorn and I'm reading Deadline.

SmilingSally said...

My favorite book is "The Novelist" by Angela Hunt; she's so talented!

Meg said...

Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides--Amazing!!

Kacy said...

If we're talking non-fiction, which is mainly all I read, I love Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover!

Jenna said...

Choosing one is really hard... but I'm going to go with Andy Rooney, and in particular his book "My War."

Britni said...

My favorite at the moment is "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, but it changes often.

Nadine said...

I love Stephen King's "It"

Liviania said...

I like Watership Down by Richard Adams.

inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com

Carolynn said...

I have so many favorites, it's hard to pick but my current fav's are Trish Perry, Creston Mapes and Julie Lessman. I loved 'The Guy I'm Not Dating' and 'A Passion Most Pure'. Two books you absolutely have to read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Ginny said...

My current favorites are anything by alison croggon. I also love JRR Tolkien and douglas adams

Julie said...

Randy Alcorn's Safely Home
excellent book!!!

Unknown said...

I enjoy Lori Wick, Karen Kingsbury, Laurainne Snelling. No favorites, just enjoy them all


brownone said...

Lisa Kleypas' "Devil in Winter"!

Carole said...

One of my very favorite books is "Tender Victory" by Taylor Caldwell. It's the story of a minister who brought seven World War II orphans home with him to small-town Pennsylvania.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

Alison Kent said...

My favorite books is Colleen McCullough's THE THORN BIRDS.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having a giveaway. I have several favorite authors, it's hard to choose just one. I love CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Madeleine L'Engle, and Jane Austen. The Testament by John Grisham is one of my favorite books.
trishtheconqueror at hotmail dot com

Kinslee said...

Jodi Picoult is my Favorite author by far!

krista said...

jodi picout- my sister's keeper

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

My favorite book is The Chosen by Chaim Potok. Potok is also my favorite author. His writing is just so beautiful and thought-provoking.

brooke said...

It's hard to pick just one author, but I really love Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. It's a book for young girls (I stole it from my sister), but I really really liked it. The story is timeless.

Tes283 said...

Robert Heinlein
Stranger in a strange land

Amazon, please

Liz said...

One of my favorite all time series is the Little House on the Praire series. My mom read it to me when I was young and then I read it multiple times growing up. I hope to have a little girl to read it to someday! I would love an amazon giftcard!!!

Suz said...

My favorite author is Ann Rule, and my favorite book is The Stranger Beside Me.

Jamie said...

I enjoy Francine Rivers.

Alison said...

My favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby, with Pride and Prejudice coming a close second (Jane Austen is my favorite author).

Sarah said...

I would have to say my favorite author is J.K. Rowling and I love the Harry Potter Series. I love them because they are something my whole family can read and enjoy and they appeal to all age groups. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tammy said...

My favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien and my favorite book is The Hobbit.

Debbie#3 said...

Stephen King's The Stand. I've read it 4 or 5 times.

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Oh wow, it is insane to try to pick just ONE favorite! I guess right now I'd have to say that Bujold is my (current) favorite author - particularly her Miles Vorkosigan series.

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I really don't think I have a favorite Author, there are far to many talented writers for me to pick one...I am enjoying currently the Twilight Series by Stephenie Myers

Unknown said...

Not to copy commenter number one, but I love Tess Gerritson and don't really know which book I would pick as my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Favorite books... that is always a hard question for me to answer, I really love Jane Eyre. Favorite authors are almost as hard, but I really enjoy anything by Karen Kingsbury. Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, tough question! I am an avid reader and am always finding books that I like. My favorite so far this year is "Reluctant Burglar" by Jill Elizabeth Nelson. I'm now reading the other books in the series.

Thank you!

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

My favorite book is Jane Eyre, but I also loved Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is 1984 by George Orwell.

Anonymous said...

I love the O'Malley series by Dee Henderson. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for your generosity. My favorite book is The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


Kristi said...

My mother in law has gotten me into Jodi Picoult. I can't say they're my favorite, but at the same time, I can't seem to out them down. Thanks for the entry.

Anonymous said...

J.D. Salinger and Catcher in the Rye

Becky N. said...

My favorite author is Robert Jordan, who sadly passed away recently. My husband and I both very much enjoy reading his fantasy series, Wheel of Time. It has one book remaining in the series, which will be written by an author chosen by Robert Jordan's surviving wife.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm always eager for more book money!

Michelle said...

I don't have one absolute favorite author or book, but I really like Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Jodi Picoult

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is The Red Tent by Diamont. But my favorite author is Jennifer Wiener. Great giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

My all time fave is Stephen King's Carrie.

Jhianna said...

Stephen King and Peter Straub - The Talisman

Lona said...

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Hard to narrow it down, but this one has had a lifetime impact on me, and is one I come back to...

Cait said...

I have many authors I enjoy, so I'll pick Jude Deveraux for this comment. My favorite book (and movie) is "The Princess Bride."

Pam said...

My favorite book is Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers.

My all-time favorite author would have to be Lucy Maud Montgomery, creator of Anne Shirley.

Unknown said...

There are so many books I like...
*Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

*The books that Beverly Lewis writes about the Amish country

*"Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hinard

Anonymous said...

I love anything by Jane Austen but my favorite book of hers is Pride and Prejudice. I loved Northanger Abbey as well.

buzzd said...

I like Stephen King and The Dark Tower series

Kyra said...

My favorite author is Nora Roberts, but I don't really have a favorite book. I do have lots of books on my wish list right now so I would LOVE to win this! :)

corrie71 said...

My all time favorit book is Happy Like Barnacles by Karen Testa

Courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com

Debbie said...

My favorite book is Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I think my favorite author overall is Jodi Picoult.

PS said...

I just got done reading The Devil In The White City by Erik Larson. It was great!

Jennifer said...

I love Harper Lee's: To Kill A Mockingbird. It was required reading in highschool, and I am so glad. Otherwise, I might not have read it.

Bill, almost a dad said...

I just finished Stone Cold by David Baldacci and it was probably the most readable and enjoyable book I've read in years. I couldn't put it down.

Pamk said...

my favorite author is Sherilyn Kenyon and Devil may cry is my favorite by her

Ames said...

Right now I don't have a favorite BOOK, but I'm really enjoying Lauraine Snelling's books!

noreen said...

pride and predudice by jane austen

Jaime said...

My favorite author is God and my favorite book is the bible. I also really loved Lord of the Rings by Tolkien and the Harry Potter series

Shannon said...

My favorite fiction author is Sue Grafton and her ABC mysteries!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, I have so many, it changes every day! LOL! But I adore everything by William Faulkner, especially "The Sound & The Fury."

fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I love Karen Kingsbury! And as for as a favorite, I can't pick just one. All of her book are special!

Anonymous said...

My favorite author is Janette Oke! I love her Love Comes Softly series.

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Favorite author is Shannon Hale. Best of her books is The Goose Girl.

Grace said...

favorite author -
CS Lewis and the Narnian Chronicles!

frugallm said...

My favorite Author is Laura Ingles Wilder and On the Banks of Plum Creek was my favorite in the Little House series.

Anonymous said...

I love the Winslow series by Gilbert Morris. Please enter me.


Cherie J said...

My favorite is Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh.

Chloe Devlin said...

I don't know if I can pick just one author and just one book. It changes from day to day.

But I really loved Mackenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard.

chloedevlin at sbcglobal dot net

Jessica said...

My favorite book is "The Birth of Venus" by Sarah Dunant.

Anonymous said...

I have to give you three, because that's just as low as I can narrow it lol.
Wally Lamb - She's Come Undone

Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice

Stephenie Meyer - Twilight

Thanks so much! :)

Caitlin @ Clutter Cubed said...

Great prize!

Lately I've been reading a lot of trashy vampire books, but I love anything by Robert J Sawyer! I especially loved his Hominids trilogy!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites is "They Loved to Laugh" by Kathryn Worth.
Thanks for a great giveaway!

Darcie said...

174 Comments! You go girl!! :) I don't know if I can pick one favorite author. Some of my favoirte books are 1000 White Women, Monsters of Templeton, and Where the Heart is. :) Thanks for offering the gift card and the link to other freebees!!

Skye said...

I of course love Jane Austin. My fav. right now though is Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight series!

Scarlett said...

I love Laurie Notaro, especially We Thought You Would Be Prettier.

Anonymous said...

My most recent favorite is Deanna Durgin, Nose for Trouble. Amazon is cool, thanks!

Muddy said...

One of my recent favorite books have been the Denise Hildreth books...each and every one of them

GrowingRopers said...

Sheri Dew : No one can take your place

Tracey said...

Terry Goodkind~ Temple of the Winds.. love it

Richelle said...

I just read my first book by Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth. It was good, I think I will read more of her stuff!

Carolynn said...

It's hard to choose but my current favorite is Trish Perry and 'The Guy I'm Not Dating' It's such a wonderful book!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Amy L said...

My favorite author (at the varies from time to time) is Dorothea Benton Frank, and my favorite book by her is Full of Grace.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm not having a really distinctive favourite right now, but I really like Steve and Terri Maxwell, Keeping Our Children's Hearts.

Marly said...

Nothing has ever made me laugh like Dave Barry's "Big Trouble". I love it! :)

Heather said...

My current favorite is Anita Shreve. I enjoyed "Resistance."

akaroscoe at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

ok i have so many fav authors but my most recent fav is Ted Dekker and his Circle Trilogy

Elaine said...

Classic Lit, I like Jane Austin and Thomas Hardy
Modern Lit, I like John Piper's Desiring God

Anonymous said...

i love anything by nicholas sparks.

Tiffany said...

I am currently reading Teacher Man by Frank McCourt. It might not be my all time favorite but I am enjoying it now.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

LeeAnn said...

Francince Rivers...Redeeming Love

Suzie Williams said...

Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Genevieve P said...

In this house of Brede, Rumer Godden. Love it!

MorethanMommy said...

I don't have a favorite, but I've read pretty much everything by Jennifer Weiner, Eli Segal, Kathryn Lynn Davis and J.K. Rowling (ahem). Oh, and I like Terry Pratchett a lot as well.

Candace April said...

Oh, wow. One favorite author??? Right now, I'd have to say Marquez and Love in the Time of Cholera...but it could be something else next month or even next week!

susan1215 said...

I love anything by Ann Rule

Alaina said...

I don't know about very favorite but I really like Barbara Kingsolver (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle & Poisonwood Bible) and anything by Jane Austen or Nicholas Sparks!

holly K said...

Jane Austen-Emma!!!! cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis," and "Sex God."

Sarah said...

Right now, anything by Jennifer Weiner.

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Classics Club Spin 18

My Classics Club Spin List for August This is a hodgepodge of books left on my list I made in 2017 for the Classics Club. Tomorrow the clu...