Monday, March 15, 2010

Once Upon a Time Reading Challenge 2010

I am joining the Once Upon a Time Reading challenge hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings. It begins March 21 and ends June 20. There are several different levels to pick from and since Fantasy etc. is so hard for me to read I am going with the Journey level to read only one book. The different types of books are fantasy, folklore, fairy tale, and one mythology. Go to his site and read all about it. There is a lot of cool information there and pictures. I love the pictures and buttons designed for the challenge.

This is really as simple as the name implies. It means you are participating, but not committing yourself to any specific number of books. All reading is a journey, perhaps none more so than reading fantastical fiction. By signing up for The Journey you are agreeing to at least read one book within one of the four categories during March 21st to June 20th period. Just one book. If you choose to read more, fantastic! If not, then we have still had the pleasure of your company during this three month reading journey and hopefully you have read a great book, met some interesting people, and enjoyed the various activities that occur during the challenge. It has always been of utmost importance to me that the challenges that I host be all about experiencing enjoyable literature and sharing it with others. I want you to participate. Hence, The Journey.

My goal is to read Inkspell by Cornelia Funke.


Unknown said...

Brittanie, go you reading Inkspell! Inkheart was such a drag for me I haven't been able to even consider picking up a sequel. ;)

Love the buttons for that challenge, though! Have you read any of Robin McKinley's books (like Spindle's End or Beauty)? That's what those buttons made me think of for some reason...

Bookfool said...

Hmm, if you can get away with reading only one book, I may have to go for this one. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll dash over to Carl's blog. He does the best challneges.

Kailana said...

I have not had much interest in reading Inkspell yet. I wasn't very excited by Inkheart.

Classics Club Spin 18

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