* Overall I had a good weekend. It went by so quick. It is hard to believe it is Sunday night already.
* I only read three books:
- Once in a Blue Moon by Leanna Ellis
- The Country House Courtship by Linore Rose Burkard
- The Lord is my Shepard by Debbie Viguie
* They were okay my favorite is probably the Country House Courtship. I will have reviews of all three in the next few weeks.
* I started A Civil Contract by Georgette Heyer and so far I like it.
* Today I did my usual chores and went out to eat at Chili's with my sister, dad, and grandmother. It was good. And the weather was actually quite nice this weekend here in the Deep South.
* I have been on a baking kick lately. I made heart shaped valentine cookies, blueberry muffins, and chocolate coca cola cake. The cake is so good. Everyone at work loved it.
* I am so happy Spring is only three weeks away. In addition the Spring Reading Thing is coming up hosted by Katrina at Callipidder Days which I love her reading challenges.
* I hope everyone has a great week and lots of reading time. :)
You have signed up for a lot of challenges! Good luck.
I will be happy when spring arrives, too. It has been a cold, wet winter here.
I love your list from January...
and the books from this weekend sound intriguing!
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