Did you finish all the books you had planned to read?
No but I did end reading a lot that were not on my list. I am also doing the 100+ challenge. Here is the link to see what I have read by month:
I have discovered about myself that I start a lot of nonfiction books but it is hard for me to finish them. I will be working on that in the future.
What was your favorite book you read this spring?
Off my official list my favorite was... I can't pick one. Sorry *g*. They are all absolutely wonderful. ;)
Did you discover any new authors or genres that you now love?
Yes. Robert Liparulo and House of Dark Shadows. I will be reading the second book.
Are you interested in another "Fall Into Reading" challenge this fall?
Yes. I can't wait. :) I did better last Fall ;)
I'm a Liparulo fan as well, and I'm exactly the same way as you are about nonfiction -- good at starting them, but not so good at finishing them. :) Thanks again for joining the challenge!
I'm the same way with nonfiction...I get about halfway through them and that's about as far as I get.
Think I might need to check out Robert Liparulo's book. :)
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