The Winter Reading Challenge is being hosted by Karlene at InkSplasher
For Rules and Details and to sign up please visit her site:
So ... here is Brittanie's List for the Winter Reading Challenge:
(I will be more Conservative this time in the number :) )
"A Walk With Jane Austen" by Lori Smith
"Cold Tangerines" by Shauna Niequist
"Snow Angel" by Jamie Carie
"Between Sundays" by Karen Kingsbury
"For Better or Worse" by Diann Hunt
"Only Uni" by Camy Tang
"A Time to Mend" by Sally John and Gary Smalley
"Death of a 6ft Teddy Bear" by Sharon Dunn
"Searching for Eternity" by Elizabeth Musser
"Next Door Daddy" by Debra Clopton
"Kissing Adrian" by Siri L. Mitchell
"A Passion Most Pure" by Julie Lessman
"The Other Daughter" by Miralee Ferrall
"In Search of Eden" by Linda Nichols
"Splitting Harriet" by Tamera Leigh
"Days and Hours" by Susan Meissner
"One Little Secret" by Allison Bottke
"Finding Marie" by Susan Davis
"Deadly Texas Rose" by Lenora Worth
"Just Cause" by Susan Page Davis
"Winter Haven" by Athol Dickson
"Healing Stones" by Stephen Arterburn and Nancy Rue
"My Name is Russell Fink" by Mike Snyder
"Stuck in the Middle" by Virginia Smith
"Awaken My Heart" by Diann Mills
"Sisters Inc." by Rebecca Seitz
"First the Dead" by Tim Downs
"Skizzer" by A. J. Kiesling
"Taming Rafe" by Susan May Warren
"Lady of Milkweed Manor" by Julie Klassen
"Killing Floor" by Lee Child
"Bath Tangle" by Georgette Heyer
"Truffles by the Sea" by Julie Carobini
"The Perfect Life" by Robin Lee Hatcher
"Sweet Caroline" by Rachel Hauck
"The Stones Cry Out" by Sibella Giorello
"A Soldier's Family" by Cheryl Wyatt
"Blue Heart Blessed" by Susan Meissner
"Elvis Takes a Back Seat" by Leanna Ellis
"Bayou Corruption" by Robin Caroll
"You had me at Goodbye" by Tracey Bateman
"Picket Fence Promises" by Kathyrn Springer
"The Next Level" by David Gregory
"For Pete's Sake" by Linda Windsor
"Her Baby Dreams" by Debra Clopton
"On the Edge of the Sea of Darkness" by Andrew Peterson
"Barefoot Believers" by Annie Jones
"Hearts in the Highlands" by Ruth Axtell Morren
"Homespun Bride" by Jillian Hart
"On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness" by Andrew Peterson
"Military Daddy" by Patricia Davids
**I will probably add some more later**
**Purple means I have finished it**
I'm going to try to do this one!!
Ruth (ChristianFictionQueen on Xanga)
I just checked out my blog...it's been months I think, and found your comment! I think you would love college teaching. It is never dull, always interactive and interesting and I have very few of those classroom management issues. Last Friday, I visited my 2nd grade son's classroom and was amazed at how often the teacher had to yell at the obnoxious little boys. You hopefully won't have that in a college classroom.
It's always nice to talk to another biologist.
Great list. I just finished Stealing Adda by Tamara Leigh and loved it! Will be adding Splitting Harriet to my TBR list!
Hi Brittanie. Glad you decided to join us for the Winter Reading Challenge. You've got a great list. I'm amazed that you've finished one already. You go, girl!
I hope you like Only Uni! I've got a lot of the same books on my TBR pile, too!
Welcome to the What's in a Name? challenge--thanks for joining in! Hope you have fun!
Happy New Year! I have nothing to offer in the way of classroom management tips...that was one of my weaker areas :) Glad to "meet" another Christian fiction fan!
Thanks for including my debut novel Skizzer on your "Winter Reading Challenge," Brittanie. I feel honored and hope you enjoyed it :-)
Being a fiction lover too, I got inspired by your list of titles...girl, how fast do you read? That's a LOT OF BOOKS!
Fun fact: Lori Smith is a personal friend I met through an online writing group (not to mention a rabid Jane Austen fan!) You're in good company.
~A.J. Kiesling (Angie)
I'd love to be entered in your drawing. :)
Ruth (ChristianFictionQueen)
You're going to read almost 40 books in...12 WEEKS? Admirable, my dear! Very admirable! Good form thus far.
And I commented on your last post. Thanks for the heads-up. ;)
This looks like a fun challenge! I have a lot of the same books in my pile too. You must have great taste, LOL!
Wow that is some list! I just got "A Time to Mend" and I can hardly wait to get into it. You mentioned "The Canopy" by Angela Hunt in my comments. I can hardly wait to get to that one too. There are some library ones that are due that I need to get out of the way first.
Wow what a list! I've read some of those already and looking forward to reading others. Some on the list I hadn't heard of yet.
Hope you enjoyed A Soldier's Family.
Your readership is a blessing. Thanks for listing the book among all those other stellar authors.
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