Book Description
Business degree in hand, Logan enters the immense Universal Systems building and is hired as an organizational analyst — a trouble-shooter. His job: evaluate the company’s five divisions, each on a separate level and each operating on startlingly unique principles. Which set of principles is successful? Why is most of the company’s profit generated by one tiny division? What is real profit, anyway? And who is the enigmatic executive that Logan ends up reporting to?
Logan engages in a life-changing pursuit for The Next Level–a fascinating parable that will help you answer some of life’s most perplexing and vital questions. Joining Logan in evaluating each level’s approach, you’ll be inspired to consider the big picture of your own life from an entirely different perspective — one that holds the key to life’s ultimate purpose. No matter where you are now, get ready to embark on your own passionate pursuit of The Next Level.
My Review: This book may not be long but wow. I really learned a lot. This book is a parable and I do not want to ruin the Wow factor when it hits you and you start to realize what the book is about on two levels. The first is the actual story of a Logan analyzing the five levels of the company. The second is the spirtual. I highly recommend this book. My only slight problem is in the very beginning I do not agree with the personal view of the author on a subject that is nonsignificant for the book. To win a copy just leave me a comment on this post.
About the Author:
David Gregory is the author of the best-selling books Dinner with a Perfect Stranger and A Day with a Perfect Stranger, and coauthor of two nonfiction books. After a ten-year business career, he returned to school to study religion and communications, earning graduate degrees from The University of North Texas and Dallas Theological Seminary. A native Texan, David now devotes himself to writing full time.
I really need to read this book. Thanks for having such great give aways.
Please enter me in your drawing
I've read the author's other book, "Dinner With a Perfect Stranger", so I'm intrigued by this new book!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing, please! :-)
<>< MizB
This sounds like a really interesting book. Please count me in!!
Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
Hi, I find it interesting that you and another reviewer made the same comment about this book. You both enjoyed, but both disagree about a certain aspect of the book. I wonder if it is the same thing! Sometimes, my curiosity gets the best of me!
It does sound very inspirational and like a soul searcher. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks,Cindi
Please enter me--thank you.
karin56381 (at) gmail (dot) com
I loved his Dinner/Day with a Perfect Stranger books and would love to win this one! pelase enter me, thanks!
Ok, you have now piqued my interest... put me in the draw!
Sounds compelling and wonderful Please enter me for this great giveaway. Thanks.
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