Spring is here! I will be really busy studying for the next four weeks for my orals. I am almost done with graduate school. :) And work is crazy busy so I will still post but I will not be reading books for the next four weeks. (We will see how long I can go before I break down and read ;) I will catch up after that though. For now I really feel like doing a giveaway and the book will be the first in the Big Sky series by Lori Wick: Cassidy. You have until Friday April 4th at midnight to enter by leaving a comment on this post. :)

About the book:
Token Creek, Montana Territory, 1880
Cassidy Norton is a fine seamstress who makes her living sewing for others. Amid the bustle of a busy frontier town, her life is rich. What time her business doesnt take, her friends and church family fill. But Cassidy hasnt always lived in Token Creek, and few people know her full story. So she struggles with a nagging unsettledness in her heart.
Cassidys friend Meg is married to a rancher and has a baby, something Cassidy wants for herself. But that would mean revealing the details of her life. Will Cassidy find the strength to take that risk?
I would love to have this book mostly because my daughter's name is Cassidy and it would be cool to have this around the house to show her.
I don't know why but I am always interested in reading a book a person didn't like. I think it is because it sets it up to have absolutely no expectations, at least not any good ones. So it probably isn't going to be disappointing.
hmmm... I'm willing to give it a try! I usually enjoy Lori Wick books :) taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com
I would love to have this book. I am a huge Lori Wick fan. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't like her books.
Actually ive never read her books so im anxious to read it for myself,an I think my teenage foster daughter might like it too,thanks ,count me in please
my granddaughter would love this
I am looking forward to reading her work, I think my daughter may like it also.
I like Lori Wick books, would love to read this one. Thanks for the chance to win!
I've read her California series and enjoyed it, so I would love to see if we share the same opinion on Cassidy. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Brittanie, I wanted to send you my best wishes on your orals. I certainly remember how difficult grad school can be - and enjoyable at the same time! During these four stress-filled weeks, it might be good to take a break and read purely for pleasure.
I'm also busy with college (not grad school though) but I would still love to win this! It sounds like it could be interesting.
rachie168 at hotmail dot com
It sounds like a fun read!
I love Lori Wick's books, so this would be another good one to read I am sure!
I would like to give this book a try and see what I think of it.
njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com
I'd like a chance for the read! tWarner419@aol.com
a new book is always good!
Looks like a great read for a rainy day like today!
I Love Books!
I love to read. Enter me too please.
nicki72182 at yahoo dot com
Greetings! I would like to give the book a whirl! It would be interesting to see whether we have the same views or not. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
i could do with a new book!
I would love to read this book. It sounds so great!
I'd love to win this...thanks!
Lokks like a book that will keep me up reading all night, YES.
please enter me :)
This book sounds very interesting,
and I love the name Cassidy.
Please enter me and thanks
I'm a huge Lori wick fan! Her books are really an inspiration! i love how she is able to bring the salvation message into her writing! My all time favorite is Sophie's Heart.
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