I took pictures(somewhat blurry and off centered ;) I took the books off my nightstand and put them on my bed to take the picture. Then I took a picture of the books on my dresser. And then I took a picture of the books on my shelves that are TBR just for extra.

On that shelf only the ones that are stacked are in the TBR pile. The ones behind vertical I have read. The two shelves above that are in the TBR pile and yet I still keep buying books. ;)
I like your system (and your reading buddy).
And most of my pictures are blurry and/or off-centered.
I'm drooling over the books on your shelves. Many are on my want to read list.
That's such a cute little fur butt. I'd love to see the other end of the cat!! She (?) has such pretty fur.
Gorgeous book pics!
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