Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Once Upon a Time Reading Challenge

The 5th annual Once Upon a Time Challenge runs from March 21st through June 20th. There are many quests that can and will be embarked upon during this time. Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings is the host. Please visit http://www.stainlesssteeldroppings.com/once-upon-a-time-v for all the details and to sign up. :)

This is really as simple as the name implies. It means you are participating, but not committing yourself to any specific number of books. By signing up for The Journey you are agreeing to read at least one book within one of the four categories during March 21st to June 20th period. Just one book. If you choose to read more, fantastic! If not, then we have still had the pleasure of your company during this three month reading journey and hopefully you have read a great book, met some interesting people, and enjoyed the various activities that occur during the challenge. It has always been of utmost importance to me that the challenges that I host be all about experiencing enjoyable literature and sharing it with others. I want you to participate. Hence, The Journey.

My goal is to read at least one book for this challenge. Right now I have on my TBR Green Angel by Alice Hoffman on my list. If I like it I will probably get the sequel from the library. This is outside my normal reading areas which I like. I love Carl's Reading Challenges for the beautiful pictures and getting me outside my comfort zone plus he is a great host. :)


Unknown said...

Good luck with this challenge, sounds like fun. I LOVE those banners!

Carl V. Anderson said...

Thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking part. I've had that Alice Hoffman book in mind for awhile now, so if you read it I'll be interested in your review. I hope you enjoy this year's Once Upon a Time more than ever.

Stephanie said...

I'm doing the Journey too (although I am sure that I'll read more than one book)!

Kailana said...

Good luck choosing your book. I hope it is a winner. :)

Chrisbookarama said...

I thought The Journey would be a good fit for me too, though I hope to read more than one book.

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