Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Sunday Salon June 27, 2010

The Sunday

* This has been a really busy weekend. I have read only one of the three books I needed to for next week. Not to mention my Russian Literature book I am working on.

* I have started working out at work before and after in the PT gym. I have lost five pounds. The weekends are tough. I walked three miles at the park yesterday and two today. I need to go again tonight but I am still doing laundry etc. I am also trying to eat a little better. It is going okay so far. It takes more effort which gets me and cost more money. But its my health so I am going to try it. I miss pizza, chips, and ice cream. My favorite holiday is coming up too, Fourth of July. I always eat the normal food on that day so I will just have to exercise more to make up for it.

* I am doing okay on my goal to read every day no matter how many pages it is in the book. I hope to keep it up. I am behind on writing book reviews though.

* I hope everyone has a great week and lots of reading time. :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Let me tell you what worked for me on losing weight - especially when it's holiday time - eat the same things, but 1/2 or less of what you would normally load up on - I think the main reason many diets fail is because we think we can't eat the stuff we love at all. Good luck!

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

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