Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Return to Me" by Robin Lee Hatcher

The author sent me an advance copy to read and post reviews about. I lovved this book. I think it may now be my new favorite book of hers. Victory Club was also great. This book is a retelling of the Prodigal son except she changes it to daughter. There is a short book that comes before it titled "A Carol for Christmas" about Roxy Burke's mother. Roxy is the main character and the prodigal daughter who goes to Nashville to be a country music star. Discouraged and destitute, her dreams shattered, Roxy Burke is going home. But what lies beyond the front door? Rejection ... or a brighter future?

I really connected with Elena the older sister in the book. I don't want to give too much of the story away for it is an awesome book and I highly recommend reading it ASAP!

1 comment:

Rel said...

Hey Brittanie :) I have just reviewed this one too. Good, isn't it? I like how the traditional story was written from the women's perspective! Hope all is well with you.

Classics Club Spin 18

My Classics Club Spin List for August This is a hodgepodge of books left on my list I made in 2017 for the Classics Club. Tomorrow the clu...