Thursday, May 31, 2007

Books Reviewed: The Faded Photographs Series by Andrea Boeshaar

Books Reviewed: Faded Photograph Series

I finished a wonderful trilogy last night (after working on my new research project). I wish there were more books in the series. The series is the Faded Photographs series by Andrea Boeshaar. The first book is titled "Broken Things" and follows Allie Littenberg. She finds a faded photograph of her with three of her friends from the sixties. She decides to try and contact them. In this first book she reconnects with Jack, a now bitter angry cop who used to be her boyfriend. She decided to return to Chicago to make amends to him and her stepfamily she left long ago during her rebelion after her mother died. This book is wonderful. It is not all nice and neat but enough to leave you excited. The second book focuss on Kylie who receives a copy of the faded photograph after her mother dies. Allie plays secondary in this book but we still find out more about her. All books tie in together. It leads her on a journey of self discovery with twists. I loved this book. It may be my favorite out of the series. The third book focuses on Blythe of Allie's friends in the photo. It is hard to describe this one without giving anything away. It is full of the same good plot lines and twists like the other ones.

I highly recommend this series. It will be staying on my bookshelf for some time. It might be hard to find them. I bought the one first in a used bookstore. I bought the second one through a used seller on Amazon and the third one I bought at CBD. It is well worth finding them.
I just discovered you can buy them from the author on her website.

1 comment:

Deena Peterson said...

These were SO good! I wished there were more in the series, too. You might try Sally John; her books are similar, and there are more of them!!

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