* I have had a busy but great weekend.
* Friday after work I went to the scrub store but they did not have anything I wanted. Then I went to my Mimi's house and had cheese enchiladas and they were great. We went to Sams Club then I went home.
* Saturday morning I went to the post office, library, and Wal Mart. I came home and got my sister and we went shopping. I need clothes because I have lost 15 lbs. I am so excited. I hope I can keep it off and lose a little more. I got one pair of jeans, two shirts, and a pair of shoes. I also got some perfume at Ann Taylor.
* Today I went to church this morning. Then I picked up my friend I work with and we went to Sephora to get my makeup done. Her little girl is almost two and she is so cute. They did a good job. I spent $125 so I hope I use it. I am notorious for buying make up and not using it. lol Also I have been cleaning today. I am done with the laundry and trash. I took the trash can outside and cleaned it. I cleaned my bathroom. I am not done yet but I accomplished a good deal. We are going out to eat with my Dad tonight. I have broken my diet so bad this weekend.
* I was supposed to do the 48 hour read a thon this weekend but I have not read much. I finished two books so far. I am behind on the Brothers K. I really need to focus. I have a goal of 300 and I am only on 175.
* I hope everyone has a great week and lots of reading time. :)
What fun it is to shop when you've lost weight...Congrats!
Here's my salon:
Woo hoo congrats on the 15 pound loss! I am hopeful to do the same! :D
Congrats on the 15 pounds! And don't stress on Brothers K...I'm finding it pretty dense.
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