Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Salon March 15, 2009

The Sunday
* This was an okay reading weekend.

* I finished one book and read another.

- I finished A Silent Terror by Lynette Eason
- I read The Rivers Run Dry by Sibella Giorello
- I also read parts of a nonfiction book called This is Your Brain on Joy by Dr. Earl Henslin

* I really liked all of them. The Rivers Run Dry is second in a series and much better than the first. The first won a Christy.

* Friday night I went to a 12 year old girl's birthday party. Five of her friends spent the night but I was long gone. Oh the things that they talked about. They were so funny. They did not sleep until 4 A.M. It was a lot of fun while I was there. We had pizza and cake and ice cream and chocolate and chips. Saturday I babysat and went shopping that night. Today we ate at Chilis and I did some cleaning and reading.

* This week I have four books to review. Tomorrow is one of my favorites for this year. Breach of Trust by Diann Mills. :)

1 comment:

C.J. Darlington said...

I loved the Rivers Run Dry, too! And I totally agree. It was head and shoulders above The Stones Cry Out---which was also a great read!

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